Saturday, January 2, 2010

For when you feel like an idiot

I hit the snooze button once more than usual. It was so dark, and so very warm under my two, count them two, down comforters. As usual, I spent too much time waking up with a cup of coffee and couldn't find anything to wear. I looked at my watch, swore, grabbed my new black scarf from under a pile of clothes, dashed out the door and nearly ran up the buns of steel hill.

The service bus and I simultaneously arrived at the pick-up spot. I settled myself in and buckled the seatbelt. My scarf was oddly wrapped around my neck, so I adjusted it. It was then that I realized that my scarf remained under the pile of clothes. I had wrapped a pair of black leggings around my neck instead. And they were inside-out, tag waving, a white flag.


AnneS said...


A friend of mine who is blind climbed onto the double decker bus he took to school in London. He became aware of suddenly silenced conversations, and then giggles from around him. He asked someone what was going on. Person said "Your hair". He reached up to touch the crown of his head and found....
his comb.

Unknown said...

With careful arrangement and some clever knots, I bet you looked great!

Morgan said...

hopefully you had something else on your BOTTOM since your leggings were on your top!

Ufuk the one of the holy trinty said...

Babe, I am sure that you look great as you are. Even if you wrapped tissue you look cool...

Proud Mamma said...

Then you started a trend, since Americans MUST know the latest fashion...

Barbie said...

Madonna made that look very popular in the 80s. If Lady Gaga reads your blog she will revive the style and you will get no credit.

French Honey said...

ça c'est rigolo. ça me rappelle une fois, à Paris, on arrive par le métro aux Halles quand soudain, je me rend compte que mon ex avait toujours ses chaussons aux pieds! il avait oublié de mettre ses chaussures et on s'en ai pas rendu compte avant d'arriver aux Halles! on a bien rigolé! sophie